Our vast experience with handling personal and commercial property claims provides us with the ability to thoroughly review and evaluate your claim.
We provide quality analysis of the value of a loss based on our understanding of construction and proper estimating of the damages.
Our extensive experience with insurance appraisals provides us with the knowledge and tools to properly oversee and address differences in the insurance appraisal process.
We provide a thorough, independent and disinterested evaluation of claims handling. We are well spoken and provide a professional report in order to assist in litigation.
Our real-life experience with earthquake evaluations as well as our work with CUREE and the CEA provides an unparalleled skill set to provide you with the necessary guidance on handling earthquake claims.
Having managed the homeowner property subrogation department for a major carrier, as well as handling complex claims with subrogation opportunities, we have the ability to assist on the appropriate steps to ensure subrogation is successful.